Tournament Rules for Advancement from Group Play
All teams are organized into Group Play Brackets. Group winners are determined using the following rules:
Teams are awarded three points for a win, one point for a tie, and no points for a loss. In the event of a tie, the following criteria shall apply:
(a) Total Points
(b) Largest Goal Differential (i.e., Goals Scored minus Goals Allowed).
(d) Fewest goals allowed.
(e) Head to Head Competition. (Does not apply in a three-or-more-way tie)
(f) Fair Play. Red and Yellow cards against the team ( Red minus 3 points, Yellow minus 1 point)
(g) Penalty kicks using current F.I.F.A. rules. Initial round of five alternating penalty kicks per team, followed by single alternating kicks if still tied.
After group winners are determined seeded teams will be determined by the best second place teams

NOTE! A player may be able to play on a maximum of two teams as long as they are not in the same age bracket and they comply with the age requirements.
Coaches Information
The Regional Championship will adhere to the U.S. Futsal Laws of the game, as accepted and published on the USFF website at:
Except as modified or expanded for this Championship and published below.
Teams must be at their Court at least fifteen minutes before their match, and present their USFF Player Passes to the official at the Court, as well as a copy of their Player Roster (which clearly identifies each player’s Jersey
Number). The Referee will review the passes and rosters. Upon completion of the match each coach must retrieve the passes from the Scorekeeper
A player must distribute the ball within 4 seconds of any restart and the goalkeeper must distribute the ball within 4 seconds whenever the keeper is in possession of the ball.
Advise your players that the ball must be stationary and placed on the touchline or 9” behind the line when placing the ball back into play with a kick in. The player’s foot must also be on the touchline, or off the court when striking the ball during a kick in (foot fouls are the same as during a throw-in in soccer). A violation of this will result in a possession turnover.
Following each game, coaches are required to report to the timekeeper and verify the official Game card to ensure the score is correctly reported. Coaches may also be requested to select game All-Stars upon completion of each game. Remember to retrieve Player passes as well.On the spectators’ sideline, spectators are to remain behind the designated line. No one will be allowed behind either end line
All teams must shake hands at the end of each game as a gesture of friendship and sportsmanship.
Regional and National Championship rosters may include up to 14 participating players.
The Rules & Disciplinary Committee reserves the right to decide on any/all matters and its interpretation of these rules shall be final. No protests will be entertained upon Committee decision / ruling.
Note: Under no circumstances will the Tournament Committee or staff be responsible for any part of any expenses, including tournament fee, incurred by any team due to, but not limited to, part or total cancellation of this tournament.
Rules & Disciplinary Committee:
Don Evans(Chair), Jeff Allen (Co-Chair), Tony Ponce, Keith Matney (alternate)
We hope to make this event a very enjoyable experience for you and your family. On behalf of U.S. Futsal, I wish your team the best of luck and sportsmanship.