U.S. Futsal is announcing that it will cancel its 35th U.S. Futsal National Championship
Oakland, CA – May 23, 2020
U.S. Futsal is announcing that it will cancel its 35th U.S. Futsal National Championship that was scheduled to be hosted at the Atlantic City Convention Center, on July 9-12, 2020. This decision has stemmed from the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic, has and continues to affect all our futsal states. Since our first priority is the health and safety of everyone, specially our players, families, coaches, referees, volunteers and dedicated staff. While we realize this will be a great disappointment to all and we realize some restrictions on assembly are lifted, we can’t foresee what the upcoming six weeks will mean for events with several thousand people in an enclosed area. U.S. Futsal has placed the safety of all concerned as or guiding factor behind our decision.
There are certainly encouraging signs but this may still affect our Pacific Futsal Cup Tournament that is scheduled December 4-6, 2020 at the Hawaii Convention Center, our state cups in January of 2021. Our U.S. Futsal Regionals in February and March of 2021 may not be affected.
In regard to “Return to play resources”, members must abide by the requirements/guidelines established by their particular state and local public health officials. Beyond that, other resources to consider when planning for a return to play:
- CDC’s “Guidance for Where You Live, Work, Learn, Pray and Play”
- S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee’s “Guidance for Return to Training and Sport Event Planning”
- S. Soccer’s “Return to Play Resources forthcoming and will be shared on www.futsal.org/coronavirus
We appreciate and acknowledge the willingness of so many people across the Nation accepting a short-term hardship for the long range good. Please remember that by being responsible and following public health guidelines on physical distancing, hygiene habits and facemask use will more quickly find our ourselves back on the Futsal court and living normal lives once more.
Warm regards and stay safe.
Alexander Para
President & CEO
U.S. Futsal